Noise Monitoring
OSHA Compliance
An assessment of sound levels throughout a workplace, known as a noise survey, is the cornerstone of an effective hearing conservation program. WCM will collect accurate and comprehensive measurements to depict hazardous noise sources throughout your facility.
Methods Include
- Time-weighted-average (TWA) noise exposure measurement using personal noise dosimeters.
- Targeted sound level measurements throughout all areas of the facility using a type-1 sound level meter with integrated octave-band analysis.
- Review of results in comparison with OSHA 85dB Action Level and 90dB PEL.
Noise Survey Reporting
All of our noise surveys include a written report explaining our findings. Dosimetry and sound level meter results are color-coded and displayed in a chart for ease of interpretation. Our noise survey reports are designed to outline federal regulation requirements (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95) and also recommend “best practice” hearing conservation measures.
Noise Mapping
Noise levels obtained during the survey can be plotted on a site map for easy identification of hazardous noise sources.
The WCM Group, Inc. now provides all your safety needs, for more information on your safety compliance please contact us.